
First Solo photo exhibit at Inter Gallery inside 798 in Beijing

By now, some of you may know that I had my first solo show, titled "Accidental Square" at Inter Gallery in Beijing. The opening was held on Saturday the 22nd and it was quite a fun time. A number of people came, even if they were mostly friends of the family and my parents. Surprisingly, even the Gao Brothers dropped by as well (apparently they are friends with the gallery owner and he told them). I emailed Jia Zhangke, but of course, he did not show up or insofar as respond.

Also heard some interesting feedback from people, the most helpful one being that the collection of photos at hand was a bit disorganized and could have benefited from further editing, as some of the more 'mainstream' photos took away from the emotional impact of the ones that represented more purely "Ian Wang's" vision. Very helpful indeed, even if I still can't quite articulate what my vision is, except what my eyes tell my mind to tell my finger to click the shutter.

The Gao Brothers were kind enough to drop by and hear me blabber a bit about "shadow and light."

To see the photos on display at the exhibit, you can view them in this Flickr gallery I set up.

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