You can read the rest of the release here.Halliburton Awarded Contracts for First Ultra-HP/HT Oil and Gas Drilling Project in Asia
Halliburton (NYSE: HAL) has been awarded several contracts for the provision of equipment and services on two offshore blocks in the South China Sea. This is the first ultra-high-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) oil and gas drilling project in Asia.
The exploration campaign calls for two firm wells and one potential well. Halliburton will provide directional drilling, measurement-while-drilling and logging-while-drilling (M/LWD) services; well completion equipment and services; surface well testing and downhole drillstem testing (DST) equipment and services; and cementing equipment, fluids and pumping services. Drilling is scheduled to start in the third quarter of 2011.
Three things I found interesting in this innocuous press release' wording:
- Haliburton was AWARDED the contracts
- The releases never mentions WHO awarded the contracts
- The drilling takes places in SOUTHERN CHINA SEA
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